miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013


A teacher in the strict sense of the word is defined as someone who has studied a Master and is responsible for formal and institutionalized children from Kindergarten, Primary or higher in schools or colleges.

But really the meaning should be adapted to reality, a teacher is more than a imparting teachings, is a counselor and life coach. It becomes a second mother or father, the best friend or friend, the cool guy who gives you the best advice. During life the way we present many teachers, classroom teachers that are teaching their love and human development pillar of all of us, are artisans of intellect and often just great friends.

I thank all those teachers that fate has placed in my path, his teachings have shaped me and helped confront the fiery trials of life, to them my greatest appreciation for this noble work.

Needless to say mind I can only add "thank you"

The noblest object that can take the man is to illustrate to their peers.
Simon Bolivar

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