sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


For many, the first day of college classes is an event, collapse feelings and emotions, between fear and hope, in my case was no exception. After a long time to resume my studies finally entering a new stage in my life, after overcoming some problems that precluded me from going to school, I return that way again today.


I have high expectations for this new stage as a student, and especially a high focus on academic I am about to purchase. For a long time I've waited and I've tried to get to this stage, I have to give my best to overcome to achieve these new goals.

How to improve my learning?
This blog is planned for English subject which serves as a pillar of the development of my career, considering this, the subject of English is based, livelihood, and great support for academic development.
How to improve my learning?, I can imagine and theorize thousand and one ideas, but I think basically improve learning depends on many factors such as companionship, attentive participation, and of course a high commitment to the group, the teacher and myself.
Always bearing in mind that learning should always be quality, sustainable and above all, and perhaps most important, learning is applicable in daily life.

Printing Initials
The start was promising, the relationship with peers is good, and I have a teacher who has created an impression on me, and who are interested in imparting their class in the best way possible, with objectivity, and knowledge cementing her we be transmitted, is willing to listen to our concerns and try to resolve them to generate a progressive, also projects a personal safety as a student makes you believe in what you say and believe in their abilities, is a aperson who projected that,  capacity and flexibility.

"Never consider the study as a duty, but as an opportunity to get into the beautiful, wonderful world of knowledge."
(Albert Einstein)

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